Owner at HBSSNV, DSSNV, and The Motherhood Collective Las Vegas

Owner at HBSSNV, DSSNV, and The Motherhood Collective Las Vegas

Providing Maternity Care, Homebirth Midwifery Services, & Well Woman Care for Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City & Surrounding Areas.
Coach Wren

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I am a mother to two boys, Sebastian who is 12 and Caydon who is 10. My husband and I have been together for 12 years and we are excited to begin this new journey together, as he is supportive in everything I do.
Half way through my first pregnancy I engaged a midwife and at the time I was a massage therapy student. I was learning about the world of natural medicine, including exploring my desire to have a natural childbirth. Shortly thereafter I was put on bedrest by my conventional doctor and had to take a break from school until after my son was born. I, like many women, didn’t have the birth I hoped for and it ended with a c-section. Thankfully I and baby came away fine and healthy! After healing from my C-section I continued my research, which coupled with my own childbirth experience made me realize that without a doubt, I knew this was my calling… I just wasn’t sure how or where to begin.
Fast forward to my second pregnancy, I knew I wanted to do almost everything differently, but I still lacked so much knowledge. I felt since I had a previous C-section that I needed to be in a hospital, but this was mostly influence by other medical professionals and my mother who had 4 planned c-sections. I chose to follow my passion (and cause mom less worrying) by finding a nurse midwife at a local hospital. Luckily the woman I chose was very pro VBAC and wanted to do everything she could to make sure I didn’t have another C-section. She told me once labor started to just stay calm and at home as long as I possibly could stand it. She knew the second I walked into that hospital it would decrease my chances of having a successful VBAC. So I did. I waited. Fourteen (14!) hours later of laboring at home, I arrived at the hospital at 12:45 a.m. and my second baby boy was born at 1:27 a.m., perfectly healthy.
When my youngest was almost a year old, and my oldest was almost 3, I decided to join the United States Air Force, where I spent the next six years of my life as a respiratory therapist. In those six years, I was completely submerged in Western Medicine. However, I did get to shadow the nurse midwives and attended 3 live births, in addition to some great natural medical training. I continued as a practicing massage therapist on the side and kept my sights on my dreams of becoming a midwife someday. Three years into my contract with the Air Force I was sure I would only finish my six-year obligation and get back to more natural health care. While my time serving was long and hard, it grounded me and further planted my roots in my beliefs of natural medicine and maternity care. I gained knowledge in the medical field but also got to see firsthand why the way hospitals do things doesn’t always work. Western medicine can be an incredible compliment to eastern and natural medicines and maternity care, but it is just that, a compliment, an add-on. The core of the best human care is what we as naturopaths, eastern medicine docs, doulas, and midwives do.
After my C-section everyone said “you and baby are healthy and safe, and that’s all that matters.” While your safety and your baby’s safety are the top priority, it isn’t all that matters, so I’m here for you. I’m here to be your comfort, your support, your voice, at a time when you feel you can’t be your own, whether it’s in a hospital and you want everything to numb the pain, or you’re at home in a tub, I’m here for YOU. Here my journey continues with doula and lactation services, and my future plans of midwifery and naturopathic medicine education are not far on the horizon. Beginning today, I am honored and excited to help you on your own journey and be part of it. Welcome to our family of care specialists.