Owner at HBSSNV, DSSNV, and The Motherhood Collective Las Vegas

Owner at HBSSNV, DSSNV, and The Motherhood Collective Las Vegas

Providing Maternity Care, Homebirth Midwifery Services, & Well Woman Care for Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City & Surrounding Areas.
May McCoy

Hi, I’m May! Congratulations on your tiny creation. I believe that the labor and birthing process is such a vulnerable and empowering part of a mother's life. I am fortunate enough to be a part of and witness this beautiful event in this profession. As a doula, I am here to assist mothers in being able to have a birth in which moms fell heard, empowered, and respected. I am also here to assist in the small things from providing comfort measures during the labor process, to being a liaison. Previous to this career I was a mental health social worker. Therefore, I am very comfortable and know the importance of collaboration among clinical staff and patient care. Being a part of a birth team is quite humbling and it is something I respect and honor.
Se habla español, llamame para una consulta gratis.
To contact May for a free consultation:
Phone: 702.493.9790
Email: maythedoula@gmail.com
Instagram: @maythedoula